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Root Materials

Root Materials

200 unique 3D renders of the Radix symbol inspired by the first ever Radix NFT

Root Materials is a highly scarce NFT collection with only 200 editions in the collection. There is no intentional rarity, although there are some techniques or elements you may see more frequently and some only once such as generative styles, hairs, particles, metals, and emitters and bump/ displacement affected materials. There are some Easter Eggs and sets distributed throughout too!


A fixed supply of 200 tokens will be created for this project to recognise NFT holders. Holders of the token will be eligible for rewards and future access to other projects and collaborations. Prior to token distribution, this website and transaction comments on Radix will record reservations. The very last Root Material not reserved will be blind auctioned off, with all proceeds being distributed to holders (more details to come closer to that time).

On the release of Babylon, the collection will be made available as NFTs on Radix and distributed to their rightful owners.

People who lead this initiative
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Kaz - Root Materials
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